Awareness! The Headphone App For the visually impaired using headphones, Awareness! The Headphone App, is essential. It allows you to listen to your headphones while also hearing the sounds around you. It uses the microphone to feed in noises as you listen to music or use another app. Hear a car approaching or a doorbell ringing! Using Awareness, you will not miss those vital audio clues that keep your day on track $6.99
To see more iPhone and iPad Apps For Blind And Visually Impaired please go to iPhone and iPad Apps For Blind And Visually Impaired or iPhone and iPad Apps for the Blind And Visually Impaired at Google+
WhatsApp Messenger Would you love to have an accessible, easy texting app that automatically adds your contacts from your address book? What if it had no data limits and used your regular phone number so you would not have to remember passwords or logins? Meet WhatsApp Messenger, a free and easy way to chat with your friends as much as you want. It even allows group chats and saves any messages you get while not on your phone or off the application so you never miss a text. $0.99
To see more iPhone and iPad Apps For Blind And Visually Impaired please go to iPhone and iPad Apps For Blind And Visually Impaired or iPhone and iPad Apps for the Blind And Visually Impaired at Google+