iPhone & iPad Apps for the Blind &VisuallyImpaired

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How To Turn On and Off Emergency Alerts On Your iPhone

If you own an iPhone, chances are you've been disturbed due to an Amber or Emergency Alert notification.
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA's), are pumped automatically to iPhone 4, 4S, and 5 models.
They can include anything from flash flood warnings to information on wanted vehicles.
Amber Alerts are used to pass along information on missing persons.
Both types of alerts are location based, so they'll always be relevant to your current area.
While turning these alerts off isn't recommended (who knows when the information could come in handy or save a life), it is possible to turn them off and on.
To turn alerts on and off follow these steps.
1. Go to Settings.
2. Tap Notifications. 
3. Scroll to the bottom, where you can toggle both types of alerts "on" or "off."
4.Scroll to the bottom and toggle Amber and Emergency Alerts "on" or "off."

If needed there are visual instructions.

Go to your "Settings" app.
iPhone Settings
Business Insider
Select Notifications.
iPhone Notifications App
Business Insider
Scroll to the bottom and toggle Amber and Emergency Alerts "on" or "off."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/turn-off-iphone-emergency-alerts-2013-7#ixzz35fQaHjPY

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